Success In Progress: Trying to make a game about failure and tomato

Success In Progess was our second game made for a gamejam; But we weren't sure about entering it. The theme was both complex and ridiculous: Failure, with tomatoes. I had no clue of what to do or where to start, until my partner showed me, as a joke, a poem about a tomato that decided to kill itself on a salad. Dying usually means failure, so I started there. 

We were going to make a game about a tomato that kills itself, somehow.

I was out of ideas though, so I decided to google "failure", which is when the phrase "Failure is Success In Progress" appeared; That with the poem gave me an idea: As you die, the game somehow becomes easier. The tomato theme just closed it together: Tomatos are kinda messy, so let's make a game in which dying spreads you all over the place, and that goes for your benefit.

The core gameplay of the game is basically Jump King, but with my personal touch and mechanics, and I think it went amazing. I spent the first day of the jam (It had a length of 3 days) doing the core mechanics and the initial level designed. I then spent day 2 adding the timer, the options and main menu, sounds, everything to make the game look like a real game, while my partner worked on texturing the first level (She drew it all by hand on her drawing tablet, which on my opinion looked amazing specially since it was her first time working with a digital program on her computer for game assets).

By day 3 it was just polishing, that's when I added the transition effect and fixed various bugs, along with adding controller support.

I think we did a lot of things right with this one, specially the gameplay itself (When relating it to the genre of Jump King like games), as it played well and quite a few people tried to beat it as fast as possible, and most people seemed to enjoy the overall experience. Doing sounds was though, specially because I have no idea of how to find proper sounds online.

We are currently on the process of turning it into a full game, with more mechanics (based on the levels you are on) and an skeleton of an story. It would be our first steam game, if we manage to continue it! Currently, it feels like going back to square 0, as I had to redo the tilemaps to make it easier to autotile + to be able to add wall and ceiling tomato spread, so the game is looking all white again!

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